One body, many parts.
Use the gifts, talents, and time that God has given you to SERVE.
Volunteer placement may be based on a combination of a person’s spiritual gifts assessment and ministry survey, along with ministry needs and openings. Certain volunteer ministry positions may have specific prerequisites and may also require Covenant or Pathway Membership status.
If you're new here, attend Connect Gathering (CG) first, and we can tell you how to get plugged In. If you're already a Pathway or Covenant Member of GHC, find your area of interest and reach out to a ministry leader to find out more!
Visit our GHC Volunteer & Serving Opportunities page, or directly access our Ministry Listing & Descriptions and fill out our Volunteer Interest Form.
We'll always have needs as we get to serve others and carry the gospel to the nations. Whether you know how and where to serve yet or not, we can help you find a place to be part of the harvest!
For more information on identifying your gifts or learning about other service opportunities, please contact us at .