Series: The Gospel According to Matthew
The Invitation
June 05, 2022 | David Lim
Passage: Matthew 22:1-14
Sermon Points:
1) God is full of grace
2) Don’t refuse God’s invite
Series Information

Passage: Matthew 22:1-14
Sermon Points:
1) God is full of grace
2) Don’t refuse God’s invite
Main Points: - Jesus is our covenantal blessing - Jesus is our...
Main Points: - Jesus was born of a virgin - Only the virgin’s son can...
Main Points: - It’s clear that Jesus came to be King - Are we...
God’s Kingdom has appeared, and God gives us the radical gift of...
Main Points: - We must be great in humility - Faith is both private...
Main Points: - Those who follow Jesus will receive the joy of God’s...
Main Points: - Those who follow Jesus will receive the joy of God’s...
Not only does God forbid murder but He forbids its roots. Being...
Main Points: - Don't be a show-off! - Don't show off your giving -...
Main Points: - God is our Dad - Our Dad is Holy, King, Generous, and...
Main Points: - Spend your life on treasures that last. - Don’t let...
Main Points: - You are not the Judge - Take a look at yourself before...
Main Points: - Not all roads lead to God; the gate is exclusive and...
God heals the hopeless.
Main Points: - Faith means trusting in who Jesus is - Faith, not...
Maint Points: - Jesus has authority over sickness and over demons -...
Before we share in Christ’s glory, we have to share in His suffering.
Key Points: - Jesus rules over His creation. - We don’t need to be...
Main Points: 1. When Jesus Calls, Get up and Follow Him 2. Jesus...
Main Points: 1. Religion is not big enough to hold Christ 2. Jesus...
Main Points: - Jesus trained His apostles to build His Church - Jesus...
Our spiritual family matters and holds even more weight than our...
Sometimes we don’t see any evidence of life but our hope is that the...
What kind of soil is your heart today, how are you cultivating your heart?
If there’s no place in the church for sinners needing to be accepted...
The rule of Christ also must spread into everything
The Kingdom is a treasure and something to be greatly rejoiced in
The Bible makes it clear that weighing the bad vs the good has nothing...
Jesus has revealed to us what true discipleship is:
The living hope in Christ will always outlast all our pain and brokenness
Much of our lives is about our availability to God and the willingness...
There are times when God allows us to pursue our passions knowing full...
You can’t catch a sin like one could catch a cold
True faith is desperate
What we watch, read & associate with will make us become more like...
But until we meet Him, He is building us corporately as well as...
To Jesus, the cross displayed the wisdom of God
In order to find yourself, you must first lose yourself to Christ
Suffering is a part of life, it’s true
Faith is an internal conviction that is displayed with external action...
Jesus never exerted His privilege - He came to seek and save the lost
To be a child of God requires humility and a trusting faith in who God is
We’re called to confront each other in faith, which means in humility...
The Lord calls His church to act as a court, He expects His people to...
We receive His grace but His grace upon us demands a response of grace...
Jesus is making a major point that marriage means oneness
If you’re married, the Lord calls us to be content in our marriage, if...
Your identity comes from the one who gives you a new name
We’re called to be like children if you recall, helpless and humble...
God doesn’t grade us on a curve but based on His standard of holiness...
Jesus came to take our judgment in order to give us peace of salvation
Today He calls you to come and worship Him
The evidence for the leaders to believe who Jesus and John was, was all...
Jesus invites us to reflect on the way God lavishes His grace on us
The Power of the Resurrection
The first four Commandments have to do with our love for God
King David declares through divine inspiration that the Messiah is His...
Practicing what we preach isn’t just to save face or save our...