“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14

KIDS (K-5th Grade)

GHC KIDS Ministry is a place for children kindergarten to 5th grade to personally know and experience God’s love and truth, and discover their spiritual potential through gospel-centered, loving, and caring ministries. 

Our heart is to partner with parents in the discipleship of their children to help create a strong foundation in the development of their relationship with Christ. 

Our desire is for children to fall in love with Jesus, worship God in everything they do, learn to serve and then go share Christ with the world.


We have weekly activities as well as seasonal and special events. Some of these include:

  • Sunday School & Worship
  • New Believers Class
  • Children's Baptism Class
  • Vacation Bible School (VBS)
  • Operation Christmas Child
  • Elderly Housing Outreach

Follow us on Facebook for the latest news, updates, and encouragement!

Contact: Sarah Pak